Eriksen. Annelin 2004
Silent Movement. Transformations of gendered social structures on Ambrym, Vanuatu.
Unpublished Dr. polit dissertation, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
Books and Monographs
Eriksen, Annelin 2008
Gender, Christianity and Change in Vanuatu. An analysis of Social Movements in North Ambrym. Ashgate 2008
Articles in refereed journals
Eriksen, Annelin 2009
New Life: Pentecostalism as social critique in Vanuatu, Ethnos 74: 175-198
Eriksen, Annelin 2009
Healing the Nation: In search of Unity through the Holy Spirit in Vanuatu. Social Analysis, 53 (1): 67-81
Eriksen, Annelin 2007
Understanding cultural change; the return of core anthropological concepts. Reviews in anthropology, 36: 131-154
Eriksen, Annelin 2007
Kjønn som differensieringslogikk. Et inntak til å forstå endring på Ambrym, Vanuatu. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 18:124-137.
Eriksen Annelin, Fagertun Anette and Ødegård Cecilie 2007.
Introduksjon. Om kjønn og antropologi. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift. 18:75-90
Eriksen, Annelin 2006
On the value of the church: the gendered dynamics of an inverted hierarchy on North Ambrym, Vanuatu, Paideuma, 52: 91-106
Eriksen, Annelin 2006
Expected and Unexpected Cultural Heroes. Reflections on gender and agency of conjuncture on Ambrym, Vanuatu. Anthropological Theory, 6:227-247
Eriksen, Annelin 2005
The gender of the church: conflicts and social wholes on Ambrym, Vanuatu. Oceania, 75:284-300
Eriksen, Annelin 1999.
Kirke og Kastom, Kvinner og Menn: Om transformasjoner i kjønnsrelasjoner på Ambrym Vanuatu, Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 10:200-215.
Published articles in anthologies (Book chapters)
Eriksen, Annelin (forthcoming)
Healing the Nation, In search for Unity through the Holy Spirit in Vanuatu. In Religious Movements and Emerging socialites, A. Eriksen, K. Telle, and B. Kapferer (eds.). Oxford: Berghahn Books .
Eriksen, Annelin (in press)
Sobre el valor de la Iglesia: La dinámica de género de una jerarquía invertida en el norte de Ambrym, Vanuatu. In El Cristianismo en Perspectiva Global:Impacto y presencia en Asia, Oceanía y las Americas, Carlos Mondragón ed.).
Eriksen, Annelin (in press)
La valeur de l’eglise. Dynamique sexuée d’une hiérarchie inversée au Nord Ambrym, Vanuatu. Publication for the Societee des Oceanistes , Weichart and Douaire-Marsaudon (eds)
Eriksen, Annelin 2008
Gender and value: conceptualising social forms on Ambrym, in K. Rio & O. Smedal (eds.) Hierarchy. Persistence and transformations in social forms. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
Edited Volumes
Eriksen Annelin, Kapferer Bruce and Telle Kari 2009
Religious Movements and Emerging socialites, Berghahn Books, Social Analysis 53 (2)
Eriksen Annelin, Fagertun Anette and Ødegård Cecilie 2007
Special Issue of ‘Norsk antropologisk Tidsskrift’: Kjønn, 18 (2).