Annelin Eriksen


Professor Annelin Eriksen

MA, PhD (2005), University of Bergen

Annelin Eriksen is Professor at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen. In 2012 – 2017, she directed the NFR-funded Gender and Pentecostalism project. She has worked since 1995 in Vanuatu, first on Ambrym and later also in Port Vila. Her work deals with social and cultural change, Christianity and gender relations. Her post-doctoral research project Christianity, Gender, and the Dynamics of Community beyond the State: A Study of Urban Christian Movements in Vanuatu, was funded by the Norwegian Research Council from 2006 until 2011. Her publications include Gender, Christianity and Change in Vanuatu: An Analysis of Social Movements in North Ambrym (2008), “New Life: Pentecostalism as Social Critique in Vanuatu” (2009) and Contemporary Religiosities: Emergent Socialities and the Post-Nation State (co-edited with Bruce Kapferer and Kari Telle; Berghahn, 2010).

Eriksen was the University of Bergen’s Vice-Rector for global relations in 2017 to 2021.

Recently, she has turned to ground-breaking questions about visions of the future human-being, artificial intelligence and virtual reality, with the NFR-funded Technoscientific Immortality project.

For a list of publications, see here.





Department of Social Anthropology
University of Bergen
P.O. Box 7800
N-5020 Bergen
