List of Publications, Professor Knut Rio
Rio, Knut n.d. ‘Religion, Globalization and Universalism’, in The Oxford Handbook of Anthropology of Religion, edited by Simon Coleman and Joel Robbins. Oxford: Oxford Handbooks.
Rio, Knut n.d. ‘‘Witchcraft’ and ‘Sorcery’ in Melanesia’. In The Melanesian World, edited by Eric Hirsch and Will Rollason. London: Taylor& Francis
Rakopoulos, Theodoros and Knut Rio (eds.) 2018. Special Issue of History & Anthropology 29(3) – titled Reimagining Wealth: Anthropological Explorations – with Introduction by Knut Rio and Theodoros Rakopoulos: ‘Introduction to an anthropology of wealth’. OPEN ACCESS
Knut M. Rio and Bjørn Enge Bertelsen 2018. Anthropology and 1968, Anthropology Today 34(2): 9-13. OPEN ACCESS
Rio, K, M. MacCarthy and R. Blanes (eds.) 2017. Pentecostalism and Witchcraft: Spiritual Warfare in Africa and Melanesia. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. OPEN ACCESS
Eriksen, Annelin and Knut Rio 2017. ‘Demons, devils and witches in Pentecostal Port Vila: On changing cosmologies of evil in Melanesia’. In (eds.) Rio, K., M. MacCarthy and R. Blanes Pentecostalism and Witchcraft: Spiritual Warfare in Africa and Melanesia; pp 189-211. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Rio, Knut 2017. ‘Demand-sharing and fences: Aspects of the new Port Vila household’, In Journal de la Société des Océanistes vol. 144-145: 257-272.
Rio, Knut 2017. ‘Partage à la demande et clôtures : Quelques aspectsdes nouvelles maisonnées de Port-Vila’, Journal de la Société des Océanistes vol 144-145 : 257-272. Translated into French by Christine Jourdan.
Rio, Knut 2015. ‘Konsumentens dobbeltliv; Fremtidshorisont i vareverden’, Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 26(3-4): 240-254.
Rio, Knut 2015. ‘The barbariat and democratic tolerance’, in (ed.) Alessandro Zagato The Event of Charlie Hebdo, pp. 12-25 New York: Berghahn Books.
Rio, Knut 2015. ‘From adventure to industry and nation-making: The history of a Norwegian sugar plantation in Hawai‘i’, in B. Bertelsen and K. Kjerland Navigating Colonial Orders: Norwegian Entrepreneurship in Africa and Oceania, pp. 240-266. Oxford: Berghahn Books (ISBN 978-1-78238-539-4)
Rio, Knut 2014. ‘A shared intentional space of Witch-Hunt and Sacrifice’, Ethnos 79(3): 320–341.
Rio, Knut 2014. ‘Melanesian Egalitarianism: The containment of hierarchy’, in special issue titled ‘Dumont, Values, and Contemporary Cultural Change’ (eds.) Joel Robbins andJukka Siikala. Anthropological Theory 14(2):169-191.
Rio, Knut and Annelin Eriksen 2014. ‘A New Man: The Cosmological Horizons of Development, Curses and Personhood in Vanuatu’, in A. Abramson and M. Holbraad Framing Cosmologies: The Anthropology of Worlds, pp 55-76.Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Rio, Knut and Annelin Eriksen 2014. ‘Rivers and the study of kinship in Ambrym, Vanuatu: Mother right and father right revisited’, in E.Hviding and C.Berg (eds.) The Ethnographic Experiment: A.M. Hocart and W.H.R. Rivers in Island Melanesia, 1908, pp. 132-154.Oxford: Berghahn Books
Rio, Knut 2013. ‘Death, witchcraft and the temporal aspects of divination’, in R. Willerslev and D. Refslund (eds): Taming Time, Timing Death: Social Technologies and Ritual. First volume of book-series ‘Studies in Death, Materiality and the Origin of Time’. London: Ashgate ISBN: 978-1-4094-5068-9
Rio, Knut and Annelin Eriksen 2013. ‘Missionaries, healing and sorcery in Melanesia: A Scottish evangelist in Ambrym Island, Vanuatu.’ History and Anthropology 24(3): 398-418.
Hviding, Edvard and Knut Rio (eds.) 2011. Made in Oceania: Social Movements, Cultural Heritage and the State in the Pacific. Oxford: Sean Kingston Publishing.
Rio, Knut and Edvard Hviding 2011. ‘Pacific made: Social movements between cultural heritage and the state’, introduction to (eds.) Hviding, E. and K. M. Rio Social Movements, Cultural Heritage and the State in Oceania, pp. 1-31. Oxford: Sean Kinston Publishing.
Rio, Knut 2011. ‘High chief, waetman and the codification of ritual objects in Vanuatu’, in (eds.) Hviding, E. and K. M. Rio Social Movements, Cultural Heritage and the State in Oceania, pp. 223-253. Oxford: Sean Kinston Publishing.
Lattas, Andrew and Knut Rio (eds.) 2011. The Arts of Government: Crime, Christianity and Policing in Melanesia. Special issue of Oceania, vol. 81 (1).
Lattas, Andrew and Knut Rio 2011: ‘Securing Modernity: Towards an Ethnography of Power in Contemporary Melanesia’, OCEANIA vol 81(1): 1-22.
Rio, Knut 2011. ‘ Policing the Holy Nation: The State and Righteous Violence in Vanuatu’, OCEANIA vol 81(1): 51-72.
Rio, Knut 2010. ‘Handling sorcery in a state system of law: Magic, violence and kastom in Vanuatu’, OCEANIA 80(2): 183-197.
Rio, Knut 2009. ”Subject and object in a Vanuatu social ontology. A local vision of dialectics”. Journal of Material Culture 14(3): 283-308.
Kjerland, Kirsten Alsaker og Knut Rio (eds.) 2009. Kolonitid. Nordmenn på Eventyr og Big Business i Stillehavet og Afrika. (’Colonialism: Norwegians in Adventures and Big Business in the Pacific and Africa’) Bergen: Scandinavian Academic Press. ISBN 978-82-304-0049-4
Kjerland, Kirsten A. og Knut Rio 2009. ”Introduksjon” til (eds.) Kjerland, K. A. og K. M. Rio Kolonitid. Nordmenn på Eventyr og Big Business i Stillehavet og Afrika, pp. 5- 11.
Rio, Knut 2009. ”Fra eventyr til industri. Historien om de norske sukkerplantasjene på Hawaii”, i (eds.) Kjerland, K. A. og K. M. Rio Kolonitid. Nordmenn på Eventyr og Big Business i Stillehavet og Afrika, pp. 187-221. Bergen: Scandinavian Academic Press / Spartacus Forlag.
Rio, Knut and Olaf H. Smedal (eds.) 2009. Hierarchy. Persistence and transformation in social formations. Oxford: Berghahn Books. ISBN 978-1-84545-493-7
Rio, Knut and Olaf H. Smedal 2009. “Hierarchy and Its Alternatives: An Introduction to Movements of Totalization and Detotalization”, in (eds.) Rio, K. M. and O. H. Smedal Hierarchy. Persistence and transformation in social formations, pp. 1- 65. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
Rio, Knut 2008 ”The scale of materiality. Objects between the social and the material”, in H. Glørstad and L. Hedeager (eds.) Six Essays on the Materiality of Society and Culture, pp. 155-173. Lindome: Bricoleur Press
Rio, Knut and Olaf H. Smedal 2008. ”Totalization and detotalization: Alternatives to hierarchy and individualism”. Anthropological Theory 8(3): 233–254.
Rio, Knut 2007. The Power of Perspective: Social Ontology and Agency on Ambrym Island, Vanuatu. Oxford: Berghahn Books. ISBN 978-1-84545-293-3
Rio, Knut 2007. ”Exposer la vie après la mort: les effets sociaux des prestations mortuaires au Vanuatu”. Journal de la société des Océanistes 123-124.
Rio, Knut 2007. ”Denying the Gift: aspects of the gift and its counter-prestation in a Vanuatu society”. Anthropological Theory 7 (4): 449-470.
Rio, Knut 2005. ”Discussions around a sand-drawing: Creations of agency and society in Melanesia”. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (N.S), 11:401-423.
Before 2005
Rio, Knut 2002. “The Sorcerer as an Absented Third Person: Formations of Fear and Anger in Vanuatu”. In (ed.) Kapferer, B. Beyond Rationalism. Rethinking Magic, Whitchcraft and Sorcery, pp.129-154. Oxford: Berghahn Books – also Social Analysis, 46:129-154.
Rio, Knut 2002. The Third Man. Manifestations of Agency on Ambrym Island, Vanuatu. Thesis submitted for the degree of dr. the University of Bergen.
Rio, Knut 2002. ”Eksotiske gjenstander og deres museumshistorie”, I (eds.) A. Johansen, K. Losnedahl, H. Ågotnes Tingenes tale. Innspill til Museologi, 56-73. Bergen: Bergen Museums skrifter nr.12.
Rio, Knut 2000. ”Former for produksjon og betaling i Vanuatu: Gamle og nye perspektiver på resiprositet i Melanesia”. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 11:197-211
Rio, Knut 1999. Oceania Gjenoppdaget i Bergen. Reiser i Bergen Museums samlinger fra Stillehavet. (‘Oceania rediscovered in Bergen: Travelling through the Pacific Collections at the Bergen Museum’) Bergen: Bergen Museums Skrifter, Kultur 3
Rio, Knut 1998. ”Tingenes tilstand ved Bergen Museums etnografiske samlinger”. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 9 (2&3): 93-104
Rio, Knut 1998. ”Spiralen: Det materielle produksjonsapparat involvert i fremstillingen av menn og andre mannlige figurer i Vanuatu, Sentral-Melanesia”, Primitive Tider 1: 33-45.
Rio, Knut 1997. Standing Drums in Vanuatu. The Cultural Biography of a National Symbol. Thesis submitted for the degree of Cand. Polit. at the University of Bergen.