Dorah Wilson (Associate Scholar)
M.A., University of Hawai’i at Mānoa
Norway-Pacific Islands Scholarship Holder (2009-2011)
With undergraduate studies from the University of the South Pacific and the University of Papua New Guinea and with eight years’ work experience as a Program Specialist for the US Peace Corps in Vanuatu, Dorah Wilson embarked in 2009 on her M.A. studies at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. For this she was awarded a scholarship from the Norway-Pacific Islands Scholarship Program managed by the East-West Center. Since then Ms Wilson has been an associate member of the Bergen Pacific Studies group, participating at several of the group’s conferences and presenting aspects of her research on the Vete social movement in Efate, Vanuatu. Based on this research and on her graduate coursework she was awarded an M.A. in Pacific Islands Studies from the University of Hawai’i in 2011. Ms Wilson Dorah Willson has visited Norway and the BPS twice, in 2011 and 2012.