Forthcoming: A. Ericksen, R. Blanes, and M. MacCarthy. Going to Pentecost: How to Study Global Pentecostalism. New York and Oxford: Berghahn (contract signed March 2018, anticipated publication February 2019).
2017. K. Rio, M. MacCarthy and R. Blanes, eds. Pentecostalism and Witchcraft: Spiritual Warfare in Melanesia and Africa. New York: Palgrave.
2016. MacCarthy, Michelle. Making the Modern Primitive: Cultural Tourism in the Trobriand Islands. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
2012. MacCarthy, Michelle. Before it gets Spoiled by Tourists. Unpublished PhD dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland.
Publications in peer reviewed academic periodicals
2016. The morality of mweki: Performing sexuality in the ‘Islands of Love’. The Australian Journal of Anthropology Special Issue: Gender and Christianity in Melanesia: Towards a unified analysis. M. MacCarthy and A. Eriksen, issue eds., 27(2):149-167.
2016. (with A. Eriksen). Introduction. The Australian Journal of Anthropology Special Issue:
Gender and Christianity in Melanesia: Towards a unified analysis. M. MacCarthy and A. Eriksen, issue eds., 27(2):139-148.
2015. “Like playing a game where you don’t know the rules”: Investing meaning in intercultural cash transactions between tourists and Trobriand Islanders. Ethnos Special Issue: Primitivist Tourism. R. Stasch, issue ed., 80(4):448-471.
2013. “More than Grass Skirts and Feathers”: Negotiating Culture in the Trobriand Islands. International Journal of Heritage Studies 19(1):62-77.
2012. Playing Politics with Yams: Food Security in the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea. Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment 34(2): 136-147.
Book chapters/sections of books
Forthcoming: Tourism and Indigenous Peoples. In The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology. T. Allen, subject editor. New York: Oxford University Press (contract signed 07/05/2018).
Forthcoming: Charismatic churches, revivalism, and new religious movements. In The Melanesian World. E. Hirsch and W. Rollason, eds. Abingdon UK: Routledge (contract signed 24/04/2016).
2017. Introduction to Pentecostal Witchcraft and Spiritual Politics in Africa and Melanesia. K. Rio, M. MacCarthy and R. Blanes, eds. Pentecostalism and Witchcraft: Spiritual Warfare in Melanesia and Africa. New York: Palgrave, pp. 1-36.
2017. Jesus Lives in Me: Pentecostal Conversions, Witchcraft Confessions, and Gendered Power in the Trobriand Islands. K. Rio, M. MacCarthy and R. Blanes, eds. Pentecostalism and Witchcraft: Spiritual Warfare in Melanesia and Africa. New York: Palgrave, pp.145162.
2017. Doing Away with Doba? Women’s wealth and shifting values in Trobriand mortuary distributions. In Sinuous Objects: Revaluing Women’s Wealth in the Contemporary Pacific. A.-K. Hermkens and K. Lepani, eds. Canberra: ANU Press, pp. 61-88.
2016. Touring “Real Life?” Authenticity and Cultural Tourism in the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea. In Touring Pacific Cultures: Mobility, Engagement, and Value. J. Taylor and K. Alexeyeff, eds., Canberra: ANU Press, pp.331-356.
2015. Trinkets and Treasures: The Shifting Ground of Value Regimes in Trobriand Objects. In Art/Artifact/Commodity: Perspectives on the P.G.T. Black Collection. R. J. Foster and K. H. Leacock, eds. Buffalo, N.Y: Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences (42), pp. 69-77.