Publications Edvard Hviding


Publications by Edvard Hviding, University of Bergen


Hviding, Edvard and Tim Bayliss-Smith 2019. Islands of Rainforest: Agroforestry, Logging and Ecotourism in Solomon Islands. London and New York: Routledge. [Reissue of monograph published by Ashgate in 2000]

Hviding, Edvard 2005. Reef and Rainforest: An Environmental Encyclopedia of Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands / Kiladi oro vivineidi ria tingitonga pa idere oro pa goana pa Marovo. Knowledges of Nature Series, No. 1. Paris: UNESCO. 252 p. Reprinted with revisions, 2011.

Hviding, Edvard and Tim Bayliss-Smith 2000. Islands of Rainforest: Agroforestry, Logging and Ecotourism in Solomon Islands. Aldershot: Ashgate. xvii+371p.

Hviding, Edvard 1996. Guardians of Marovo Lagoon: Practice, Place, and Politics in Maritime Melanesia. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, 14. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. xxix+473p.

Edited Volumes

Hviding, Edvard and Geoffrey M. White (eds.) 2015. ) Pacific Alternatives: Cultural Politics in Contemporary Oceania. Canon Pyon, Herts.: Sean Kingston Publishing. x+285p.

Hviding, Edvard and Cato Berg (eds.) 2014. The Ethnographic Experiment: A.M. Hocart and W.H.R. Rivers in Island Melanesia, 1908. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books. xiii+320p.

Hviding, Edvard and Knut M. Rio (eds.) 2011. Made in Oceania: Social Movements, Cultural Heritage and the State in the Pacific. Wantage, Oxon.: Sean Kingston Publishing. vi+353p.

Hviding, Edvard (ed.) 2001. Stier, strømmer og steder. Spesialnummer av Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, 12(1-2). [Paths, Currents and Sites. Special Issue, Norwegian Journal of Anthropology] 153p.

Hviding, Edvard (ed.) 1995. Vivinei tuari pa Ulusa: Stories and legends from Marovo, New Georgia, in four New Georgian languages and with English translations. Recorded, translated and edited by Edvard Hviding, with assistance from V. Vaguni and others. Bergen and Gizo: Centre for Development Studies, University of Bergen, and Western Province Division of Culture. 88p.

Journal Articles

Hviding, Edvard 2015. “Big Money in the Rural: Wealth and Dispossession in Western Solomons Political Economy.” Journal of Pacific History, 50(4): 473-48.

Hviding, Edvard 2015. “European anthropology in the contemporary Pacific”. Social Anthropology, 23: 363-364.

Bayliss-Smith, Tim and Edvard Hviding 2015. “Landesque Capital as an Alternative to Food Storage in Melanesia: Irrigated Taro Terraces in New Georgia, Solomon Islands.” Environmental Archaeology, 20: 425-436.

Hviding, Edvard 2014. “Posthumanistiske antropologer? ANTropologiens lukkede rom”. Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, 25: 38-42.

Hviding, Edvard 2013. “Sciences in the Plural: The UNESCO Environmental Encyclopedia of Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands.” Journal of Pacific Studies, 32: 128-143.

Hess, Mona Stuart Robson, Francesca S. Millar, Graeme Were, Edvard Hviding and Cato Berg 2009. “Niabara – the Western Solomon Islands War Canoe at the British Museum”, in Proceedings of the 2009 15th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Vienna, 41-46. Los Alamitos, CA.: IEEE Computer Society.

Hviding, Edvard 2006. ”Knowing and Managing Biodiversity in the Pacific Islands: Challenges of Conservation in the Marovo Lagoon.” International Social Science Journal, 58(1) Issue 187: 69-85.

Hviding, Edvard 2003. “Between Knowledges: Pacific Studies and Academic Disciplines”. The Contemporary Pacific, 15:43-73.

Hviding, Edvard 2003. “Contested Rainforests, NGOs and Projects of Desire in Solomon Islands”. International Social Science Journal, 55 (4) Issue 178: 439-453.

Hviding, Edvard 2003. ”CA* Comment” on S. Aswani and P. Sheppard, “The archaeology and ethnohistory of exchange in precolonial and colonial Roviana”. Current Anthropology, 44 (Supplement Dec 03): S72-S73

Bayliss-Smith, Tim, Edvard Hviding and T.C. Whitmore 2003. “Rainforest composition and histories of human disturbance in Solomon Islands”. Ambio, 32: 346-352.

Hviding, Edvard 2003. “Fieldwork with Bob: ‘The first man to dive all night’. Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Bulletin, Special Edition (March 2003): 19-21

Hviding, Edvard 2002. “Langsiktig arbeid i ekspanderende felt: en fortelling om komprimert globalisering i Melanesia”. Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, 13:221-229. [In Norwegian]

Johannes, R.E. and Edvard Hviding 2002. “Le savoir traditionnel des pêcheurs du lagon de Marovo (Îles Salomon) concernant le comportement grégaire des poissons.” Ressources Marines et Traditions, Bulletin d’Information, No. 12:24-31.

Hviding, Edvard 2000. “Usikre møter i det moderne Melanesia.” Norsk antropologisk tidsskrift, 11: 53-66. [In Norwegian]

Johannes, R.E. and Edvard Hviding 2000. “Traditional knowledge possessed by the fishers of Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands, concerning fish aggregating behavior.” Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Bulletin, No. 12: 22-29.

Hviding, Edvard 1998. “Contextual flexibility: present status and future of customary marine tenure in Solomon Islands.” Ocean & Coastal Management, 40: 253-269.

Hviding, Edvard 1998. “Western movements in non-Western worlds: towards an anthropology of uncertain encounters.” Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 23(3): 30-51.

Hviding, Edvard and Harald Tambs-Lyche 1996. “Curiosity and Understanding.” Norwegian Literature, Special Issue of The Norseman, 36 (4-5): 21-28.

Hviding, Edvard and Graham B.K. Baines 1994. “Community-based fisheries management, tradition and the challenges of development in Marovo, Solomon Islands”. Development and Change, 25:13-39.

Hviding, Edvard 1993. “Indigenous essentialism? ‘Simplifying’ customary land ownership in New Georgia, Solomon Islands.” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 149: 802-824

Ruddle, Kenneth, Edvard Hviding and R.E. Johannes 1992. “Marine resources management in the context of customary tenure.” Marine Resource Economics, 7:249-273.

Hviding, Edvard 1991. “Traditional institutions and their role in contemporary coastal resource management in the Pacific Islands.” NAGA, The ICLARM Quarterly, 14(4):3-6.

Book Chapters

Hviding, Edvard and Camilla Borrevik 2019. “Climate Change in the Islands and the Highlands: Melanesian Manifestations, Experiences and Actions”, in The Melanesian World, Eric Hirsch and Will Rollason (eds), 517-531. London and New York: Routledge.

Hviding, Edvard 2018. “The River, the Water and the Crocodile in Marovo Lagoon”, in Island Rivers: Freshwater and Place in Oceania, J.R. Wagner and J.K. Jacka (eds), 27-58. Canberra: Australian National University Press.

Wagner, J.R., J.K. Jacka, E. Hviding, A. Mawyer & M. Muru-Lanning) 2018. “Introduction: River as Ethnographic Subject”, in Island Rivers: Freshwater and Place in Oceania, JR Wagner and JK Jacka (eds), 1-26. Canberra: Australian National University Press

Hviding, Edvard 2017. “Big Money in the Rural: Wealth and Dispossession in Western Solomons Political Economy”, in State-building and state formation in the Western Pacific : Solomon Islands in transition?, Matthew G. Allen and Sinclair Dinnen (eds.), 92-105. New York and London: Routledge.

Hviding, Edvard 2016. “Europe and the Pacific: Engaging Anthropology in EU Policy-Making and Development Cooperation”, in Engaged Anthropology: Views from Scandinavia, Tone Bringa and Synnøve Bendixsen (eds), 147-166. New York: Palgrave-MacMillan.

Hviding, Edvard 2015. “Non-Pristine Forests: A Long-term History of Land Transformation in the Western Solomons”, in Forests of Oceania: Anthropological Perspectives, Joshua Bell, Paige West and Colin Filer (eds), 51-74. Canberra: Australian National University Press.

Hviding, Edvard 2015. “The Western Solomons and the Sea: Maritime Cultural Heritage in Sociality, Province, and State”, in Pacific Alternatives: Cultural Politics in Contemporary Oceania, Edvard Hviding and Geoffrey White (eds), 118-144. Canon Pyon, Herts.: Sean Kingston Publishing.

White, Geoffrey M. and Edvard Hviding 2015. “Pacific Alternatives in a Global Context: Dialogues in Oceania”, in Pacific Alternatives: Cultural Politics in Contemporary Oceania, Edvard Hviding and Geoffrey White (eds), 1-23. Canon Pyon, Herts.: Sean Kingston Publishing.

Hviding, Edvard 2015. “Adventurous adaptability in the South Sea: Norwegians in ‘the Terrible Solomons’, ca. 1870 – 1930”, in Navigating colonial orders: Norwegian entrepreneurship in Africa and Oceania, Kirsten A. Kjerland and Bjørn E. Bertelsen (eds), 187-218. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.

Hviding, Edvard 2015. “Norwegian Shipping and Landfall in the South Sea in the Age of Sail”, in Navigating colonial orders: Norwegian entrepreneurship in Africa and Oceania, Kirsten A. Kjerland and Bjørn E. Bertelsen (eds), 173-186. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.

Hviding, Edvard 2014. “Across the New Georgia Group: A.M. Hocart’s fieldwork as inter-island practice”, in The Ethnographic Experiment: A.M. Hocart and W.H.R. Rivers in Island Melanesia, 1908, Edvard Hviding and Cato Berg (eds), 71-107. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.

Hviding, Edvard and Cato Berg 2014. “Introduction: The Ethnographic Experiment in Island Melanesia”, in The Ethnographic Experiment: A.M. Hocart and W.H.R. Rivers in Island Melanesia, 1908, Edvard Hviding and Cato Berg (eds), 1-43. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books.

Hviding, Edvard 2014. “Les vies des nguzunguzu: Figures de proue de Nouvelle-Géorgie”, in L’éclat des ombres: L’art en noir et blanc des îles Salomon, Magali Melandri and Sandra Revolon (eds), 124-129. Paris: Musée de Quai Branly / Somogy Éditions des Art.

Hviding, Edvard 2014. “Modèle de pirogue de guerre, îles de Nouvelle-Géorgie”, in L’éclat des ombres: L’art en noir et blanc des îles Salomon, Magali Melandri and Sandra Revolon (eds), 28-31. Paris: Musée de Quai Branly / Somogy Éditions des Art.

Hviding, Edvard 2014. “War canoes of the Western Solomons”, in The Things We Value: Culture and History in Solomon Islands, Ben Burt and Lissant Bolton (eds), 103-115. Canon Pyon, Herts.: Sean Kingston Publishing.

Bayliss-Smith, Tim and Edvard Hviding 2014. “Taro terraces, chiefdoms and malaria: explaining landesque capital formation in Solomon Islands”, in Landesque Capital: The Historical Ecology of Enduring Landscape Modifications, N. Thomas Håkansson and Mats Widgren (eds), 75-97. New Frontiers in Historical Ecology. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.

Hviding, Edvard 2012. “Compressed globalization and expanding desires in Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands”, in Returns to the Field: Multitemporal Research and Contemporary Anthropology, Signe Howell and Aud Talle (eds), 203-229. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Bayliss-Smith, Tim and Edvard Hviding 2012. “Irrigated taro, malaria and the expansion of chiefdoms: ruta in New Georgia, Solomon Islands”, in Irrigated Cultivation of Colocasia esculenta in the Indo-Pacific: Biological, Social and Historical Perspectives, M. Spriggs, D. Addison and P. Matthews (eds), 219-254. Senri Ethnological Studies 78. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.

Hviding, Edvard 2011. “Re-placing the State in the Western Solomon Islands: The Political Rise of the Christian Fellowship Church”, in Made in Oceania: Social Movements, Cultural Heritage and the State in the Pacific, Edvard Hviding and Knut M. Rio (eds), 51-89. Wantage, Oxon.: Sean Kingston Publishing.

Knut M. Rio and Edvard Hviding 2011. “Pacific Made: Social Movements between Cultural Heritage and the State”, in Made in Oceania: Social Movements, Cultural Heritage and the State in the Pacific, Edvard Hviding and Knut M. Rio (eds), 5-29. Wantage, Oxon.: Sean Kingston Publishing.

Hviding, Edvard 2009. ”Eventyrlyst og tilpasningsevne: Nordmenns liv på ’de forferdelige Salomonøyene’, ca. 1870-1930”, in Kolonitid. Nordmenn på eventyr og big business i Afrika og Stillehavet, K.A. Kjerland and K.M. Rio (eds), 128-166. [In Norwegian]

Hviding, Edvard 2008. ”Foreword”, in Babata: Our Land, Our Tribe, Our People, by Wilson Gia Liligeto, vii-ix. IPS Publications. Suva: Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific.

Hviding, Edvard 2005. “Christian Fellowship Church”, in Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature, Bron Taylor (ed.), 306-307. London: Continuum Books.

Hviding, Edvard 2004. “Fredrik Barth”, in Biographical Dictionary of Anthropology, Vered Amit (ed), 33-34. London: Routledge.

Hviding, Edvard 2003. “Both Sides of the Beach: Knowledges of Nature in Oceania”, in Nature Across Cultures: Non-Western Views of the Environment and Nature, Helaine Selin (ed), 243-275. Science Across Cultures: The History of Non-Western Sciences, Volume 4. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Hviding, Edvard 2003. “Disentangling the butubutu of New Georgia: cognatic kinship in thought and action”, in Oceanic Socialities and Cultural Forms: Ethnographies of Experience, Ingjerd Hoëm and Sidsel Roalkvam (eds), 71-113. Oxford: Berghahn Books.

Friedman, Jonathan and Edvard Hviding 2001. “Islands Connected: Making Pacific Worlds (Project Presentation)”, in Migrations and Exchange in a Historical Perspective, P. Wallin (ed), 4-9. No Barriers Seminar Papers, Vol. 3. Oslo: The Kon-Tiki Museum, Institute for Pacific Archaeology and Cultural History.

Hviding, Edvard 1999. “Western movements in non-Western worlds: towards an anthropology of uncertain encounters”, in Postcolonialism and Cultural Resistance, J. Nyman and J.A. Stotesbury (eds), 3-23. Studia Carelica Humanistica, 14. Joensuu: Faculty of Humanities, University of Joensuu.

Hviding, Edvard 1999. “Taro irrigation, arboriculture and stratified polities in coastal Melanesia: evidence from the pre-colonial agricultural systems of New Georgia”, in Archaeology, Agriculture and Identity, P. Wallin (ed), 17-24. No Barriers Seminar Papers, Vol. II. Oslo: The Kon-Tiki Museum, Institute for Pacific Archaeology and Cultural History.

Hviding, Edvard 1997. “Fisheries and coastal resources: knowledge and development”, in Environment and Development in the Pacific Islands, B. Burt and C. Clerk (eds), 123-142. Port Moresby and Canberra: University of Papua New Guinea Press / NDRC, Australian National University.

Hviding, Edvard and Graham B.K. Baines 1996. “Custom and complexity: marine tenure, fisheries management and conservation in Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands”, in Resources, Nations and Indigenous Peoples: case studies from Australasia, Melanesia and Southeast Asia, R. Howitt, J. Connell and P. Hirsch (eds), 66-87. Melbourne: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-553758-0

Hviding, Edvard 1996. “Nature, culture, magic, science: on meta-languages for comparison in cultural ecology”, in Nature and Society: Anthropological Perspectives, P. Descola and G. Pálsson (eds), 165-184. London: Routledge.

Hviding, Edvard 1995. “Maritime travel, present and past, in Marovo, Western Solomon Islands”, in Seafaring in the Modern Pacific Islands: Studies in Continuity and Change, R. Feinberg (ed), 90-113. DeKalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press.

Hviding, Edvard 1994. “Traditional marine tenure and management: challenges, experiences, and prospects”, in Traditional Marine Tenure and the Sustainable Management of Marine Resources in Asia and the Pacific, G.R. South, D. Goulet, S. Tuqiri and M. Church (eds), 88-100. Suva: University of the South Pacific/International Ocean Institute Operational Centre.

Baines, Graham B.K. and Edvard Hviding 1993. “Traditional environmental knowledge for resource management in Marovo, Solomon Islands”, in Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Wisdom for Sustainable Development, N.M. Williams and G.B.K. Baines (eds), 56-65. Canberra: Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University.

Baines, Graham B.K. and Edvard Hviding 1992. “Traditional Environmental Knowledge from the Marovo Area of the Solomon Islands”, in LORE: Capturing Traditional Environmental Knowledge, Martha Johnson (ed), 92-110. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre.

Hviding, Edvard 1991. “A note on research on ‘TURFs’, sea tenure systems or marine property rights and the management of small-scale fisheries”, in La Recherche Face à la Pêche Artisanale, J.R. Durand, J. Lemoalle and J. Weber (eds), Vol. II, 1033-1035. Paris: Editions de l’ORSTOM.

Hviding, Edvard 1990. “Keeping the sea: aspects of marine tenure in Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands”, in Traditional Coastal Resource Management in the Pacific Basin: An Anthology, K. Ruddle and R.E. Johannes (eds), 7-44. Jakarta: UNESCO-Regional Office for Science and Technology for Southeast Asia.

Research Reports and State-of-the-Art Reviews

Borrevik, Camilla, Tony Crook, Edvard Hviding and Craig Lind 2014. European Union Development Strategy in the Pacific. Brussels: European Parliament/Directorate- General for the External Policies of the Union. 43p. DOI 10.2861/6397

Hviding, Edvard 2010. Study Guide and Teacher’s Manual: Reef and Rainforest – An Environmental Encyclopedia of Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands – A Pilot Project in Vernacular Environmental Education for the Pacific Islands. Paris: UNESCO. 41p.

Hviding, Edvard 2007. Post-disaster challenges in the Western Solomon Islands. Field Mission Report to UNESCO-LINKS. Paris: UNESCO. 28p.

Hviding, Edvard 2005. Village-level Documentation and Transmission of Local Environmental Knowledge: A Pilot Project for Solomon Islands. Field Mission Report to UNESCO-LINKS. Paris: UNESCO. 22p.

Hviding, Edvard 2003. An assessment of capacities and opportunities for expanded UNESCO activity in post-conflict Solomon Islands. Field Mission Report to UNESCO-LINKS. Paris: UNESCO. 33p.

Hviding, Edvard and Eyolf Jul-Larsen 1995. Community-based Resource Management in Tropical Fisheries. State-of-the-Art Review for NORAD. Windhoek: University of Namibia. 61p.

Hviding, Edvard 1993. The Rural Context of Giant Clam Mariculture in Solomon Islands: An Anthropological Study. ICLARM Technical Report 39. Manila: International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management. 93p.

Hviding, Edvard and Graham B.K. Baines 1992. “Fisheries management in the Pacific: Tradition and The Challenges of Development in Marovo, Solomon Islands.” UNRISD Discussion Paper No. 32. Geneve: United Nations Institute for Social Development. 23p.

Hviding, Edvard and Kenneth Ruddle 1991. A regional assessment of the potential role of customary marine tenure (CMT) systems in contemporary fisheries management in the South Pacific. Honiara: South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency, FFA Reports 91/71. 22p.

Hviding, Edvard 1989. “All things in our sea”: The dynamics of customary marine tenure, Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands. NRI Special Publication No. 13. Boroko, Papua New Guinea: National Research Institute. 30p.

Hviding, Edvard 1988. Marine tenure and resource development in Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands: Traditional knowledge, use and management of marine resources, with implications for contemporary development. Honiara: South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency. FFA Reports 88/35. 110p